CybelAngel Hosts Sold Out WiMILDS Scikit Sprint

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CybelAngel is proud to host WiMLDS, Women interested in Machine Learning & Data Science, at our Paris office this Saturday, March 12! WiMLDS and Marie Sacksick, Senior Data Scientist at CybelAngel, will be hosting a sold-out crowd for a scikit-learn sprint! This scikit sprint is a day dedicated to helping participants work on one issue (big or small!) of the scikit-learn repository. The morning will be a dedicated workshop on open-source contribution with one goal: to make their first Pull Request! WiMLDS is a community of women interested in Machine Learning & Data Science. WiMLDS host events (lightning talks, technical workshops, paper study lunches, and networking events) managed by prominent researchers, engineers, statisticians, students, to discuss machine learning and data science to build a community around women in these fields. WiMLDS can be reached at: [email protected]. Best of luck to WiMLDS, Marie Sackcisk, and all participants!