Find Leaks Faster with New 24-Hour Scanning
CybelAngel understands the value of speed when it comes to preventing cyber attacks and to prove it we’ve added twenty-four-hour scanning on connected storage to our Data Breach Prevention module. Other digital risk protection and OSINT services typically take between 15 to 60 days to locate newly publicly exposed connected storage devices. Now every twenty-four hours, CybelAngel scans 4.3 billion IPv4 addresses to locate vital systems like network-attached storage (NAS) or connected storage. Daily scanning reduces our time to detect exposed IPv4 devices by 93%. Our new feature comes just in time. NAS experts expect it to be a prime ransomware target in 2022. Taiwanese manufacturer QNAP recently issued a warning to users to immediately remove devices from the internet due to widespread ransomware attacks. In addition, tensions in eastern Europe’s cyberspace increase the likelihood of cyberattacks worldwide. In August 2021, Unit 42 reported a new variant of eCh0raix which exploits a CVE to access hard-coded credentials. But these threats can be avoided by removing devices from the internet. CybelAngel’s daily scanning for connected storage can give your cybersecurity team the edge by identifying devices before they are exploited. When paired with our CybelConnect API, our findings can be integrated seamlessly into your SOC or SEIM systems. Combining CybelAngel’s daily scanning improved integration with automation tools is a winning combination that IBM estimates can save companies $3.58 million. Contact our experts to learn more about our latest features and how proactive digital risk protection can save your company millions.