Brand Protection 101

Is brand protection the new high risk area for CISOs of world renowned brands? In the past, trademarks and copyrighting was enough, but today malicious brand threats are evolving at the speed of lighting. Nowadays, bad actors can attack your brand online in various ways, whether through social media impersonation or website spoofing (creating fake […]

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The Ultimate Cybersecurity Posture Checklist [25+ Tips]

Cybercrime is a costly and growing issue for governments and businesses worldwide, which is why countries like the US and the UK invest in cybersecurity like never before. The US will spend $13 billion in 2025, and the UK has set aside £25 million to help allies battle cybercrime. A 2023 survey by the Bank […]

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Our CISO Reflects on Cybersecurity and the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election

This article was written by Todd Carroll, SVP Cyber Operations CybelAngel and retired Deputy SAC at the Federal Bureau of Investigations. Four years ago, I wrote about state sponsored influence on the presidential elections in the United States. Within that article I wanted to  share my observations and experiences around elections, social media, voting influence, […]

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CybelAngel Product Updates [H1 Edition]

Are you interested in a quick fire update of all new features and updates? You are in luck. Welcome to our H1 roundup blog where we take you through the past 6 months of improvements and new releases. At CybelAngel we help you to secure your digital activities against cyberattacks and cyber breaches — all […]

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Protéger la démocratie: Comment la cybersécurité peut empêcher l’ingérence dans les élections américaines

L’ingérence électorale n’est pas un phénomène nouveau. Mais avec l’augmentation des cyberattaques, des campagnes de désinformation numérique et de l’ingérence étrangère en ligne, les enjeux des élections présidentielles américaines de cette année sont plus élevés que jamais. Heureusement, en adoptant les bonnes mesures de cybersécurité et en faisant preuve de perspicacité, les États-Unis peuvent encore […]

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Digital Vigilance: 7 Strategies for Enterprises to Combat Online Threats

Cybercrime is growing daily, and will cost the world over $10 trillion annually by 2025. With that being said, businesses of every size, especially enterprises should take this security threat seriously and part and parcel of that is understanding the sphere of digital threat intelligence. So, what does that entail? In this article, we’ll explore […]

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