Fool me once: Why shadow IT needs continuous monitoring

Shadow IT Vulnerabilities

The bad guys come back The saying goes, “Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me.”  Yet when it comes to ransomware and shadow IT, many organizations do not heed this advice.   When data or networks are breached and held for ransom, many organizations pay the ransom, but fail to identify […]

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How to Prevent Data Breaches by Employees

Remote Workforce Data Leak Prevention

Help your remote employees keep business data secure Data privacy and security go hand-in-hand because data cannot be private, unless it’s secure.  In today’s computing environment of working from home and hosting data in the cloud, it’s difficult to secure data. You need a solution to prevent data breaches by employees, particularly those working remotely. […]

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How to Deal with the Inherent Shadow IT Risk

Shadow IT overview : opportunities and risks Shadow IT is defined by the use of applications, devices or software without the consent, or even the knowledge, of your corporate IT heads. Most of the time employees use shadow IT in order to be more efficient and bypass the processes linked to the shift to a […]

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