Machine Learning Powers Data Leak Detection

Machine Learning Models Power Data Leak Detection

Data Science is a critical cog in CybelAngel’s Data Leak detection. Our Machine Learning models protect customers against data breaches by augmenting the expertise of CybelAngel security analysts. A human-only solution would take an extremely long time to detect actual leaks from all the false positives generated by the exponential growth of data exchanged on […]

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Cybersecurity Without Machine Learning? Think Again.

Data Leaks: Still Doing Cybersecurity Without Machine Learning? Think Again.

When it comes to sensitive data leak, time is of the essence. It doesn’t take long for a leak to turn into a data breach. A few weeks ago, Comparitech’s security research team set up a honeypot simulating a database on an ElasticSearch instance, and put fake user data inside of it. The first attack […]

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Innovative Machine Learning Model for Data Leak Detection

Machine Learning for Data Leak Detection

CybelAngel is able to alert on a set of sensitive blueprints amidst the thousands of billions of documents available on the web. Ever wondered how we are able to do it? Let us introduce you to the latest Machine Learning model for data leak detection: Content Scoring. We couple cutting-edge Machine Learning and human expertise. […]

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